Wednesday, May 16, 2018

One Man---One Christ

The son of God has already risen from the dead and he is as Paul writes: the first fruit from the grave. The entire resurrection of the dead will be in the body of Christ. Just as there is one man, Adam, and all of his offspring shall die---all who die in Christ (the new Man) will rise in Christ. So a few things bear commenting upon here: 1.It is not each individual who is resurrected in the new life but those who have already died in Christ.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Demons Casting out Demons: Classic Use of Doublespeak Concerning Geoengineering

This  abstract from Harvard geoengineers denounces chemtrail conspiracy while patently advocating Strategic Stratospheric Aerosol Injection---talk about "having it both ways"! Or is it a case of the devils chasing out the devils?

Concerning the Use and Symbolism and Sulphur: In The Book of Revelation and in Chemtrails

David Keith, Harvard Professor and Chief Cheerleader of Chemtrails:

Keith writes: "Unlike most of our work, this paper describes a possible improvement to technologies for solar geoengineering. It provides a chemical engineering analysis of a system to convert sulfur to SO2 or SO3, and could be used aboard aircraft to produce sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere for solar geoengineering. Such a system could reduce the cost and environmental impact per unit of sulfur delivered. And it could facilitate use of SO3 to make accumulation mode H2SO4 particles that allow for better control of the distribution of particle sizes."