Sunday, July 27, 2014


Biomarker Chip to be implanted in Human body

Notice the wording here---"to be placed..." the 'royal we' first person plural as in: We will have access to new information!

Announces as it establishes---acts as news and command simultaneously.  

Commentary to Aristides Confession (scroll down)

This excerpt from this relatively unknown philosopher includes all of the elements of the Jesus is God  doctrine, Virgin birth doctrine, and the other ideological unquestionables that Rome first levied upon the world under threat of death as heresy. This doctrine still dominates all forms of christianity---protestant, evangelical, et cetera with almost no deviation save in rituals and superficial particulars!

The truth if any would hear it is quite different. Each of these dogmas is a carefully orchestrated snare which impedes the one who has accepted such doctrine to be incapable of receiving the Gospel---ironically, it is christianity that becomes the great obstacle (dia-bolos) to authentic truth.

#1. Jesus is God-obviously contradicted by all of the teachings concerning the father and the son. Not rectified through casuistic trinity doctrines which are absurd.
#2. Only begotten Son of God-contradicted by the adoption of sons and daughters via faith in Jesus' teaching.
#3. Bible as inerrant Word of God-Bibliolatry that worships the book and overlooks the truth of the living word.
#4. Virgin birth-contradicted by the Gospel genealogy through Joseph's ancestry. See John's epistles which state that any one who denies that Jesus came to be born in the flesh is antichrist.
#5. Original and ceaseless sin of humanity, perpetual death and the kingdom to follow death-contradicted by Jesus ' teaching that the kingdom is at hand. Also contradicted by the fact that Jesus began his ministry to announce that that the time was ripe for the kingdom of heaven and this mission that he stated does not refer to the crucifixion but to the announcement of the good news of the present advent his father's kingdom at the inception of his teaching ministry and the great commission which refers nowhere to the doctrine of shedding blood.

#6. Necessity of church going, keeping holy the sabbath, etc... and the mandatory rituals and ideological assents by the so-called faithful whether, lutheran, catholic, episcopalian, evangelical...all of these fulfilled and abolished in Jesus' teaching. No mediator---not even the church! Body of christ mystically eternally present not any corporate organization.

Such carefully orchestrated dogma constructs an impenetrable "firewall" to authentic enlightenment as a son or daughter of God.
The truth of the son of man is revealed in all human beings  as their birthright into the material world. The basic resting state of human consciousness is Christ---the basic operating system if you will. The human soul is primordially anchored in this truth but this fact is obfuscated, and covered up by the leaven of the Pharisees as encapsulated in the dogmas which Aristides blindly echoes above. To realize one's true identity as a son or daughter of god means to be adopted by the father and to receive the inheritance of God's kingdom in the land of the living where it is "hidden in plain sight".

To "put on the mind of Jesus Christ"---the follower of the true lord diminishes in their egotistic identity and surrenders to the inward conversion becoming and living into the son of god. Christ present within the individual body (temple) and present where two or more gather in this name. Hence no property or church building, no mandatory services or tithing required. Inane teachings have corrupted christianity in a global sense obscuring the way, truth and life that is Jesus Christ who comes to be born in our hearts via virgin birth, and letting the mind that was in him to dwell entirely in us as we decrease and he increases!

Confession of the Philosopher, Aristides---Baffling Nonsense

XV.  Now the Christians4423 trace their origin from the Lord Jesus Christ.  And He is acknowledged by the Holy Spirit to be the son of the most high God, who came down from heaven for the salvation of men.  And being born of a pure virgin, unbegotten and immaculate, He assumed flesh and revealed himself among men that He might recall them to Himself from their wandering after many gods.  And having accomplished His wonderful dispensation, by a voluntary choice He tasted death on the cross, fulfilling an august dispensation.  And after three days He came to life again and ascended into heaven.  And if you would read, O King, you may judge the glory of His presence from the holy gospel writing, as it is called among themselves.  He had twelve disciples, who after His ascension to heaven went forth into the provinces of the whole world, and declared His greatness.  As for instance, one of them traversed the countries about us, proclaiming the doctrine of the truth.  From this it is, that they who still observe the righteousness enjoined by their preaching are called Christians.
And these are they who more than 277all the nations on the earth have found the truth.  For they know God, the Creator and Fashioner of all things through the only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit4424; and beside Him they worship no other God.  They have the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself graven upon their hearts; and they observe them, looking forward to the resurrection of the dead and life in the world to come.  They do not commit adultery nor fornication, nor bear false witness, nor covet the things of others; they honour father and mother, and love their neighbours; they judge justly, and they never do to others what they would not wish to happen to themselves; they appeal to those who injure them, and try to win them as friends; they are eager to do good to their enemies; they are gentle and easy to be entreated; they abstain from all unlawful conversation and from all impurity; they despise not the widow, nor oppress the orphan; and he that has, gives ungrudgingly for the maintenance of him who has not.

Apocalypse of Peter

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beware the Pharmakeia!

I have been alerted to the 'pharmakeia-Babylon-sorcery' connection since the '80s when Robt. Archer Smith taught me to be aware of this global conspiracy.

Fascinating Report on Pharmakeia