Monday, January 16, 2017

8 Richest Men as Wealthy as 50% of the World: Depends on How you Define 'Wealth'!

This New York times article states a trivial truth: 8 men possess wealth that when combined equals half of all world wealth. However, this is on;y true if you consider money and zeros after your personal assets to be the substance of wealth. Christians should know better---money is 'mammon' it is not wealth! Wealth is well-being, honor, integrity, living upright and giving thanks to the Lord.
I am in many ways far 'wealthier' than these Davos Symposiasts though I live a life that is outwardly rather frugal. My wealth consists in my autonomy, in the beauty of understanding the truth and beauty that follow from adoption as God's son. The Lord has States: "What profit a man if he gain the world and lose his soul?" If Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and young Zuckerberg have gained together with their richest confreres but half of the gain of the world and yet lost their souls, then I for one pity these men and their so-called wealth.

Friday, January 6, 2017

So-Called U.S. Intelligence On So-called Russian Influence on So-called Election in So-called United States

From the briefings:
"We assess with high confidence that Russian
President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence
campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential
election, the consistent goals of which were to
undermine public faith in the US democratic
process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her
electability and potential presidency. We further
assess Putin and the Russian Government
developed a clear preference for President-elect
Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that
Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the
Russian influence campaign then focused on
undermining her expected [why expected?] presidency."

"We also assess Putin and the Russian
Government aspired to help President-elect
Trump’s election chances when possible by
discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly
contrasting her unfavorably to him [how to substantiate this delusional assessment?]. All three
agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and
FBI have high confidence in this judgment;
NSA has moderate confidence [Could you please quantify the actual difference between 'moderate confidence' and 'high confidence'?]."