Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Black Cube and Google Headquarters in Tel Aviv.

Personally, I do not agree with this assessment that to be jewish is to be antichrist---there are many who deny the son and not the father who are not jewish, but nonetheless 'antichrist' in the sense of John's Letter---I think the key point is that those who deny that the Christ has come in the flesh---i.e. those that deny the birth of the messiah to a woman---for example, those who maintain the virgin birth.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Man Dragged from United Airlines Plane-This Counts as Apocalyptic!

This is so very offensive---everyone on that plane was offended by the lack of civility of these officers who should be summarily discharged and never allowed into this sort of work again. It is not really United Airlines' fault--but specifically these individuals should be cited with their decision to act inhumanely and brutally agains this citizen. Such thugs should never have the opportunity to work as officers of any sort ever again. My two cents.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

When Did Satan Fall? Douglas Hamp Teaching

Sermon on Chapter 13 Revelation: explaining the beast and the world empire systems.

The false prophet's first wonder is the airforce and military. "Fire from the sky."

Notice that the false prophet's second wonder is to give the image (icon) breath. This preacher relates this to television: "Television is spiritual." "You can also include computers in that [category] too."
"Television is programming a worldwide citizenry." The world citizenry bow before this wonder.

The third wonder is the "mark of the beast"---universal product marking code (UPMC).

I found a video that critiques Ken Klein's current teachings (2017) which are idiosyncratic, even heretical.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Elon Musk: A Nice Guy, Just a little Confused!

Click above for the article that states Elon Musk's view that humans must interact with technology/AI in order to remain relevant.

Elon Musk is a nice guy but it is a pity that these ultra-wealthy innovators are so poorly educated in philosophy---with an introductory knowledge of Aristotle's psychology or the medieval understanding of the human soul, Elon would have realized by now that AI is a mass delusion and a false marketing scheme. Intelligence is a spiritual faculty strictly speaking and cannot be reduced to materialistic substrates no matter how nuanced or elegant. If AI had produced one minute piece of evidence that a machine could "behave" or "think" or even "act" with even a small portion of the kind of behavior and thought of a living being, let alone a human, I would be willing to concede that at least some ultra-simplistic and rudimentary level of intelligence had been mimicked. Alas, the behaviors that I see my rabbits performing routinely are beyond the scope or capacity of even the world's finest computer and psychologists. Their modus operandi is as follows: 1. operationally define 'intelligence' as in principle what computers do; 2. change the use of language and anthropomorphize computer "behaviors"-ex) Hold on the computer is "searching"---when it is quite clear that searching is an intelligent act only found in en-souled hence human beings. 3. Re-frame psychological theory and science along the lines of cybernetic, neuroscientific reductionism. 4. make false claims that Watson (IBM) thinks or speaks or acts, or can "beat" a chessmaster. 5. Train every man, woman and child in this "psychology" and 6. Completely forget that psychology is the science of the soul. Finally, forget that the soul exists. 7. Build robots and machines with primitive ability to behave (ex: driverless cars) and claim that this is intelligent behavior, hence it proves that AI is a reality. 8. Make huge prophetic prognostications about the future a la Gini Rometty, Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and how much progress AI will have made by then. and 9) never ever consult the Bible or the Book of Revelation because you might realize that human beings might not have ten more years on this planet! Of course the apocalypse would have one great asset for these prophets: it would never be possible to disprove any of their technological claims. Nonetheless trillions of dollars will be invested in technology by those who are dazzled by progress, very few of whom have critically employed their own God-given intelligence to ask if these scenarios are even possible.

However, let me say, just for the record, that AI is impossible and that all efforts to digitalize intelligence have led to a strict diminishment of intelligence. A toddler crawling to his toy has more intelligence than any robot yet devised. In fact the moment this child opens its eyes to behold the truth of this day, it has already surpassed every computer on earth. Computers are nothing but ignorant---and the one who says that they 'think' even though they are gifted with true intelligence become dumber and dumber, and richer and richer because they are leading the entire world astray with these false claims for which not one shred of evidence exists!

You may disagree with my assessment---but I am not convinced that there has ever been AI and since all of the scientists proclaim it to be a fact---I went even further in my thought and realized that it can never be possible. THe nature of actual intelligence has two essential qualities: a)spirituality---complete inability to be reduced to material substrates; hence the whole---ie. spirit must be invoked when speaking of intelligence; and b)biological substrate--thinking cannot be reduced to static, non-living substrates, since thinking is integrally related to living tissues. The one who thinks and feels says "I think, I feel"---the "I" is not reducible to material substrate hence it spiritually transcends or exists "beyond" the material substrate. The brain is not a computer and is not like a computer. Thinking is yet a mystery---saying that the brain thinks and sketching out neuroscience does not change the transcendental nature of the I! It is this "I think" that is the heart of the matter and not the means by which I know the world.

A more powerful refutation is this practical one: human beings alone are intelligent---humans use materialistic things to assist their living. For example I may "feel" the door with a crutch---the crutch is instrumental, enlarges my perception but the perception is still grounded in my biological, living-thinking-being. This does not mean that the crutch feels! I am the one that feels!
The computer is much like a crutch---it enlarges the human grasp of things but in any case the thinking is not in the instrument of the computer but in the "receiver"! He who receives is the knower, the feeler, the actor.

Monday, January 16, 2017

8 Richest Men as Wealthy as 50% of the World: Depends on How you Define 'Wealth'!

This New York times article states a trivial truth: 8 men possess wealth that when combined equals half of all world wealth. However, this is on;y true if you consider money and zeros after your personal assets to be the substance of wealth. Christians should know better---money is 'mammon' it is not wealth! Wealth is well-being, honor, integrity, living upright and giving thanks to the Lord.
I am in many ways far 'wealthier' than these Davos Symposiasts though I live a life that is outwardly rather frugal. My wealth consists in my autonomy, in the beauty of understanding the truth and beauty that follow from adoption as God's son. The Lord has States: "What profit a man if he gain the world and lose his soul?" If Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and young Zuckerberg have gained together with their richest confreres but half of the gain of the world and yet lost their souls, then I for one pity these men and their so-called wealth.

Friday, January 6, 2017

So-Called U.S. Intelligence On So-called Russian Influence on So-called Election in So-called United States

From the briefings:
"We assess with high confidence that Russian
President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence
campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential
election, the consistent goals of which were to
undermine public faith in the US democratic
process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her
electability and potential presidency. We further
assess Putin and the Russian Government
developed a clear preference for President-elect
Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that
Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the
Russian influence campaign then focused on
undermining her expected [why expected?] presidency."

"We also assess Putin and the Russian
Government aspired to help President-elect
Trump’s election chances when possible by
discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly
contrasting her unfavorably to him [how to substantiate this delusional assessment?]. All three
agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and
FBI have high confidence in this judgment;
NSA has moderate confidence [Could you please quantify the actual difference between 'moderate confidence' and 'high confidence'?]."