During these days recently I have been in paradise, raising rabbits, working in the garden, playing in the soil, reading my epic works of poetry, dabbling into great minds like Robt. Archer Smith, and most of all enjoying Dylan's brilliant literary work Chronicles Vol One read by Sean Penn. I have been perfecting some Dylan songs on guitar with harmonica and vocals done right. Dylan reveals the secrets and truth to his music, he lays it all out in the Chronicles "for all of those who have ears to hear, eyes to see." You see already I am speaking mystically---the critics denounced his book and even big "fans" like Charlie fail to see the genius (takes one to know one)--just don't get it---but that is my experience of most of these scoffers and skeptics they don't get anything really, because they lack the FAITH to allow the truth to be revealed directly to them---so they speak in Das Man---ambivalent, gray pabulum---they speak in past tenses, in average, impersonal statistical phrases.
The individual man or woman is the integer of truth, the being for whom truth is an issue. God is TRUTH! So the matter of truth is self-evident, tautological---it is what it is ---BEING equals truth and so on. But the key point is actually not TRUTH but the MAN for whom TRUTH manifests or is revealed. Now we are on track of the SON of Man. The truth coheres in the Son. God as truth, as Brahma, as Infinity, the Father---this is self-evident to any thinking mind---to attempt to refute God's existence is the worst type of scoundrel. But the Son is a completely different story---the manner in which this got boggled down in the TRINITY is emblematic of the speculative, intellectual manner of obfuscating the simplicity of truth. Three in one---what perfect nonsense! ALL is ONE--this statement does not obfuscate---and the same can be said of every other major dogma of the church. The church is 'when or where two or more are gathered in my name'---all of the rest was co-optation and incorporation. Virgin Birth (Parthenogenesis--the Parthenon), Christmas, Easter ---co-optation of pagan mysteries. Sorry capital-M Mysteries! Mystery of incarnation, mystery of transsubstantiation!! Fact is there are no mysteries to the man of God, there are no mysteries in TRUTH. MAn is precisely what man must be perceptually-intellectually so as to perceive the truth of the universe, what man cannot grasp and rightly so are the obfuscating dogmas of Rome and her progeny. Like the tax code---specifically tailored to be incoherent---to keep the 'faithful' in the dark. Meanwhile TRUTH goes on...Truth is presencing and present, cannot be spoken of or to in any other manner than the here and now---it is the only gate---He said I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. The Son is revealed through the sharing of the word of faith---I speak the words of truth (and here I write them down to you) and to any who would receive them, they have the power to become sons and daughters of the MOST HIGH. (They already are children of God, hence gods as the Acts of the apostles reveals---but who convinces the children that they are not children (see John's brief epistles---it is another 'diabolical epithet'---remember the epithets are satanos (accuser), diabolos (thrower of obstacles), liar (convincing the children of God that they are 'fallen'), judge of sin, thief and murderer. Now look around the country today--to whom do these epithets resemble? Accusers, lawyers, taking people to court for any minor infraction---the entire legal system is 'satanic' literally! Next devil or diabolos---these are any person who instead of facilitating the advent of truth and success as a child of god constantly bring forth 'reasons' why the kingdom is not at hand, science is foremost among these. The rule of the liar is best seen in so called organized religion---getting all the Christians to think that they are of their father Satan rather than the MOST HIGH TRUTH. Judge of sin (the media, THe Talk, Oprah, THe Altoona Mirror, NSA, IRS, little Billy and Bitsy in school pointing their fingers saying "look at Pete, he is a sinner, a druggie, a sex freak..." or whatever, they harbor in their hearts and minds to project upon whatever sucker is easy to judge. Satan as the father of modern medicine---worshipping death---Moses and the caduceus---obfuscating that man's body is created for eternal life, that health is a basic operating system of living organism---by natural law! The thief system is of course the economy and so you can see that the so-called Fallen world is hype, is a sales pitch----the entire world (saecula) and all of its glamor is Satan's--Jesus advises not to befriend this 'age' or 'world', not to conform to it. Paul says to put the mind of Jesus Christ on---is that something any bishop has advocated recently---in your estimation? "You see son, you need to put on the mind of Jesus Christ." "Father, father what do you mean?" "I mean that Jesus Christ lives inside of you as you! That you die to your finite, existential personality, that you die to the illusions and pomp of this world, all of its gadgets and technology, all of its ambition and award ceremonies, knowing that all of the truth in the world adds up to one big lie!"
If you were to take what catholicism is trying to sell, and cut out the middle man (Rome: the hierarchy) then you will see that eternal life, sonhood is a gift to be freely grasped here and now by anyone who has the ears to hear my words of faith or the eyes to see me. Is it Peter Wolf speaking words of faith or are these living WORDS? If Peter Wolf has teaching that only adds up tone more of a billion different takes on reality and as Thrasymachus in Republic relates, if I have power and money then my take can be the official take---and I can MAKE it TRUTH for all of those I oppress. But if Peter Wolf alone in the wilderness of this world that has lost its marbles declares indeed that the world has lost its marbles beyond the shadow of a doubt, they will seek to kill me. Truth is hated and hunted down by all un-redeemed human beings. Did you think skeptical sneering, and scoffing at the sideline is innocent---no, every word must be on the mark you either speak to truth or the lie. You give the lie as was said. To remain silent is to not speak, hence to lie, This is why we say AMEN. So that when a man or woman of faith speaks words of truth the hearer must give consent through the speaking of the word 'Amen'---the word has no other function and it is the most common in the Bible!
So what I am saying is please curb your skepticism, no matter how deeply entrenched it is in dogma. You are you---you are the living one, the one for whom TRUTH may shine. But if you think that somehow you 've got a little piece of it, or that you have a theory or your reason has a grasp, or that you want to keep one foot safely on the base, or try to steal a base---forget it! The conversion ('metanoia') is a present tense free choice--- a choice which can only be exercised TODAY! A radical turn in the road! You must decrease, He must increase. You must die to your finite personality so that a truly virgin birth may occur!! The birth of the Son of Man within your enlightened heart and mind with full KNOWLEDGE of JESUS CHRIST---now, a propos of our discussion last eve---you defender of science! What KNOWLEDGE OF the TRUTH OF the KINGDOM does science offer you TODAY? Your eternal soul rides on this and you are going to "farm out" your SALVATION to the highest bidder---NASA, HAWKINGS, Johns Hopkins, MIT, academia---let me tell you these institutions will not teach the TRUTH OF CHRIST even if they had a thousand years to do so. And all of your organized religion---it will not deliver to you the saving gnosis TODAY. But here I am at the edge of the crossroads bidding you to enter the WAY OF ETERNAL LIFE and you are saying I need to look at my GPS or I need to consult with my lawyer, or I need to see a doctor, or go to my personal banker---before I decide which way to go. Those who hesitate are lost!
Again, why is it that I was drawn into this WAY? That prophets like Robert Archer Smith graced my path, that I was given direct insight into these hidden mysteries? I wasted the best years of my youth asking such vain questions. False humility is disguised vanity. Fact is I was given TO KNOW the TRUTH and that I TESTIFY to the TRUTH that is JESUS CHRIST living in side of me. That makes me a Minister of the PRESENT KINGDOM of God, doesn't it? A living APOSTLE of Truth, not pointing anyone to any institutions, standing solo on the crossroads of time, the HOLY SPIRIT speaking through me. Just where are my companions? Who are my helpers? Or must I continue to go the WAY alone while this crazy world fracks its way and tweets itself into oblivion. I KNOW that my MASTER went this WAY alone. I know that there is safety in numbers. If I must go to the end of the road alone, so be it. I do not jest, the hour is nigh. To be a voice crying in the wilderness. That is me. I say MAKE STRAIGHT THE PATH OF THE LORD! I say it again: Hallelujah, AMEN and AMEN.