Monday, June 18, 2012

When will the Lord Return?

Speculation concerning Return of the Lord

The above link goes to a writer who places the beginning of the 7 year Antichrist reign as 2025---hence placing 2032 as the return of the Lord described in Revelation. Personally I have always referred to this  rule of thumb: Christ said : 'Perfectum est...' on the cross. The latest date for Easter is April 13, 33AD. It has been given to me to understand that when Christ said "It is finished..." he was referring to the political world (Rome) intersecting with the  religious world (Judaism) in the cross. It is finished refers to the totality of the world rule conquered by Christ---his mission accomplished, the world's reign is over.

This means that we are living in the Resurrection era or 'age'. This age is also the age of the Holy Spirit. Christ tells us that this age will end and gives certain signs, though no one knows the hour. Perhaps it is a neat 2 days (equals 2000 years as St. Peter says a day is as a thousand years)...this gives us a weekend (2 days like the resurrection itself) with the return of the Lord at 2033 right around April 13 (but you also have to factor the 10 days that Pope Gregory subtracted back in the day to get his calendar right).  So this accords with the writer's link above. I guess it is simpler to begin with Christ's "it is finished" rather than his nativity (and there again some Catholic scholars have placed the nativity at 6-4 BC) hence shortening our predictions by at least four years!

The nativity; scholars like Rahner tell us, cannot be determined with any accuracy from the New Testament, however the crucifixion and resurrection biblical nature imagery READS like Springtime---consider the Garden of Gethsemane description, etc., etc. in the Gospels.
So 2029, or 2027 April 3rd (recovering the ten Gregorian days.) Factoring in the earlier nativity, adding two millennial days from the moment Jesus Christ declared that "it was finished".

The conclusion of the world that Jesus declares may seem to many readers premature, I mean  what are we doing? Isn't today a part of history?

But you must understand that the world is a temporal as well as a geopolitical term 'saecula' means world as well as age. (It is the term you find on the back of the dollar bill NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM) Age translates it as does 'world order'---world order in Jesus teachings has to do with Satan, Prince of the Air. Satan was conquered on the Cross AND WHEN JESUS SAID IT IS FINISHED IT MEANS THIS WORLD ORDER IS CONQUERED.

That's why I said we are living in the Resurrection Age! It is obvious to any astute political historian that "There is nothing new under the sun." The Powers that BE are essentially unchanging throughout human history---they lie, they seek power and wealth and they murder. The political realm= Rome, the religious realm =Israel, and there is also Babylon which may be the US and especially New York City which is a woman who  sells immorality globally and commands global military power, especially on the sea (like America's older sibling Britain). So you see that Rome continues through London and New (London) York. America links to Babylon via Iraq and Baghdad, the Euphrates, and the towers fall within one literal hour!! (Of course, it took several weeks to prepare those towers for demolition with nanothermite sprayed to all levels of the core and the carefully orchestrated digitally timed explosions which brought both buildings down in an hour). Could the center of command have been WTC7? I don't know. This devastation has all the markings of a diabolical plot and those who accomplished it were led in the conception and execution by powerfully dark angelic forces. The intelligence of destruction itself staggers the mere human intellect, certainly not some covert cavedwelling, Saudi playboy, no matter how charismatic with his little Afghani training camps. It was the executed by the apex of military intelligence, requiring cybernetic infrastructure, and as I said the harmonic orchestration of global political players each playing their part: the hijackers played a part, the US intelligence and defense played a part, UK, the Masad, etc., etc... Hard to fathom...and yet these are the facts.  

Be that as it may, Thank God for St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians where he tells us that our battle is not against earthly powers, flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities dark evil in high places. I know that it requires a stretch of the imagination to interpret prophecy---one must think 'polyvalently'---it rancors the overly rational types! Evenso, one must not give up the effort to THINK THINGS THROUGH so as to come up with a good UNDERSTANDING. The official 9/11 report is widely acknowledged to be wrong on almost every piece of evidence concerning 9/11. Was there a cover-up? And how can I ever know? Well, I am reassured that my enemy is the Prince of the Air and not so much the pawns who rule the world with their little cabals, and private clubs. They think they hold all the cards but know not whom they serve. Money, power, ambition, global intelligence these are of Satan. Whoever plays in that game is playing in Satan's airshow. And they go on lying just like their father, and murdering. I thank God through Jesus Christ that I have been brought to know the Father--we find him in little things, streams and rivulets, baby groundhog---simple loving ways, peace and joy---HAllelujah! Our contemporary situation in America and everywhere else on this sorry planet is that we have been too long  at the fair. They said "we piped and you were supposed to DANCE!" THe phoniness of almost every cultural artifact smacks of vanity so deep as the ocean. None of it reflects Christ's teachings. The whole world system was invented by foolish, vain, and pawns of men. You call them kings and heroes, lords and saviors. But there is ONLY ONE TRULY NOBLE MAN. And he wrapped up the show a couple of days ago and hell be returning, and every eye shall see Him, and this will be in my lifetime.  

Bible Codes-WTC Babylon

WTC and Babylon: Revelation Chapter 18

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bob Dylan's "Man of Peace"

Look out your window, baby, there’s a scene you’d like to catch
The band is playing “Dixie,” a man got his hand outstretched
Could be the Führer
Could be the local priest
You know sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
He got a sweet gift of gab, he got a harmonious tongue
He knows every song of love that ever has been sung
Good intentions can be evil
Both hands can be full of grease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
Well, first he’s in the background, then he’s in the front
Both eyes are looking like they’re on a rabbit hunt
Nobody can see through him
No, not even the Chief of Police
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
Well, he catch you when you’re hoping for a glimpse of the sun
Catch you when your troubles feel like they weigh a ton
He could be standing next to you
The person that you’d notice least
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
Well, he can be fascinating, he can be dull
He can ride down Niagara Falls in the barrels of your skull
I can smell something cooking
I can tell there’s going to be a feast
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
He’s a great humanitarian, he’s a great philanthropist
He knows just where to touch you, honey, and how you like to be kissed
He’ll put both his arms around you
You can feel the tender touch of the beast
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl
Trees that’ve stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall
Wanna get married? Do it now
Tomorrow all activity will cease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
Somewhere Mama’s weeping for her blue-eyed boy
She’s holding them little white shoes and that little broken toy
And he’s following a star
The same one them three men followed from the East
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Interpretation of the Antichrist

Left Behind Series

Left Behind

I have been listening to the Left Behind series on Audiobooks  and enjoying them considerably. I believe that the authors have done a good job in dramatizing the Apocalypse. However, I do have a concern that this 'translation' may indeed constitute an "adding to" or "taking away from" the St. John's prophecy.

The final works on the Millennium are quite a stretch, though i am sure that the authors have scriptures to justify their speculation. But isn't it always that way? Every act of understanding is an act of interpretation---is a hermeneutic dogma. Getting large groups of people (churches) to agree on specific dogmatic interpretations is always an act of violence against those who perhaps would see a given text in another light. This happens often and for many reasons: to wit, one may be irrational, another far more penetrating or intelligent than those who tow a strict interpretational line, there may be some who actively subvert dogmatic interpretation and also many other examples of original interpretation---some culpable, errant, some perhaps not.

In saying this I do not mean to undercut the idea that the Revelation gives truth. Au contraire, in fact, I am trying to defend the truth of the Word of God, against oftentimes well meaning, but shortsighted pastors and ministers who rigorously defend authoritative interpretations but who in fact err. We see a classic example of this in Reverend Camping's prediction of the May 2011 end of the world. Had we been members of his church we would have meant to be good christians and agree with an interpretation of scripture which was errant. This is an insoluble problem, but does not indicate the lack of veracity of scripture. A difficult claim perhaps, and one that I will attempt to describe in more detail in later posts. Yes the scripture is inerrant, but interpretation is always prone to errancy! Therein lies the insurmountably delicate challenge to human reason that authentic faith requires. No safety net! "We walk now, not by sight, but by faith."  

Newton's Book on the Revelation